Thursday, May 20, 2010

First trip

Later today, my 19-year-old niece will be leaving for her first major trip. Tonight, she will be boarding her very first plane, direction Morocco and then another plane, direction Mali, where she will be staying for 2 months!
No need to say how proud I am.
This is how you grow as a person and this is how you really get to know yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses.
Never mind traveling through Europe or Latin America where it is so easy communicating with people. In the villages where she will be staying, they won't speak French nor English!
Did I mentioned how proud I am? :)

Chica, I wish you the experience of a lifetime. I hope you fall in love with the culture and come back to us transformed in an incredibly positive way, and inspired like you have never been. I envy you insanely and can't wait to hear all your stories. xox

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