Friday, May 30, 2008

The Countdown is Over

I have arrived in one piece to the inn. I'm only staying here for one night.
My day started at 2 a.m. after a 2 hours sleep. I got to the airport 3 hours before my departure time and EVERYTHING was closed. The airline counters were closed until 4 a.m. and the US customs were closed until 4:30 a.m. It was still ok that I got there so early because by the time the counters openned, there was already a decent lineup. So after going through the various counters I had to go through, I fell asleep at the gate for one hour. I was still so tired that the minute my bum touched the airplane seat, I completely zonked out for the entire flight. That's a first for me!

In Miami, everything was uneventfull. I waited, I walked, I ate, I waited, I slept and I waited some more. Boooooring! That flight was also uneventfull. We flew over the water for a good chunk of the flight which surprised me a little bit. Then, we were over the country side. Very green but maybe not as lush as I had imagined. When the plane landed, I was still waiting to see a city. I was now under the impression that San Jose was not at all the big city I envisionned! It even looked a little desolate! But, the airport is not quite IN the city. I'm not sure if the driver that picked me up took a "shortcut" but I ended up seeing quite a bit of the city. Some place are really slummy looking and others are pretty decent. The place were I'm staying is an old spanish mansion. It is quite old and in need of some extra love and care but still quite pretty. There is two humongous trees on either side of the front door with leaves that look like there plastic but are not.

The weather is quite pleasant. It rains a bit than there a big sunshine and so on. The humidity is absolutely nothing compared to Montreal in July and August. The other difference is that there's a good wind. During Montreal's heatwaves, there is usually no wind.

Tomorrow we're getting picked up by Globe Aware at 12:30 p.m. and then off we go to the forest. I think I read that it's about a 5 hour drive. I really doubt I'll have access to a computer so my next post will be upon my return to "civilisation" on Saturday.

Right now it's 4:30 p.m. and I need to catch some more z's. I'll wait for my travel buddy who should be getting here aroung 9:30 p.m. or 10 p.m. before going for supper. I know it's usually my bedtime hense the imminant nap.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Countdown: 0.5 day!

Time has run out! I'm leaving in a bit more and 12 hours. This is very exciting and right on time. I've had about enough of my work...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Countdown: 4 days!

Time is really flying by! It's the last crazy pre-vacation stretch at work. Everything needs to be in order for my co-workers to take over if need be. It's funny how those last days only stress you twice as much before any off time.
Oh well, it's the same for everyone.
So now all I have to do is pack and calm down.
I'm excited, eager and... a bit terrified!
: )

Thursday, May 22, 2008

countdown: 8 days!

OMG! I am now in the single digits before my departure. I'm getting sooo excited!
I did some shopping last weekend and think I'm all ready to leave. I'll check my list one more time but all I really have left to do is pack my bag, jump in a cab and be at the airport on time. Just thinking about it makes my heart do backflips.

I also started thinking about what will happen when I get back. I had put off thinking about the rest of my life for after my trip. I wont be able to stall for much longer so I'm slowly getting back in that frame of mind. I have some options but I would like to find one that feels completely right. So far I haven't found that option... I hope life will smack me in the face with a new option. Soon please.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Countdown: 17 days!

More news!
I got an email today letting us know that there was a third person joining us for the trip. I think it will be good.
So we are now 4 people including the coordinator!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Countdown: 18 days!

Wow. The big day is getting closer at an unbelievable speed. I still have quite a few things to do before I leave and only 2 weekend left to do them.

I started emailing with the other person that will be spending the week with me. I think we'll get along pretty well and I'm fairly sure we will have a great time.
... I'm not certain if I believe what I just wrote. There is a big difference between getting along with someone via the written word only and then face to face. Sometimes, when you meet and there is no time to edit your thoughts before you share them with someone else, you sound like a different person.

But hey, whatever, it's only one week. If we don't get along, we can count the days together! ; )
Also, I anticipate seeing, doing and experiencing really fun stuff, so in those circumstances there is no way I cannot have a great time. I guess I'm just trying to manage my expectation.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Countdown: 24 days!

Today I got some more news from the organizers for my Costa Rrrrica trip. There is two different programs in that country, one in the forest and one closer to the beach. For some reason, there was a group of college-age kids that decided to switch from the forest program to the other one, and it seems to have started a chain reaction. So, in the end, we will be two "tourists" for the week in the forest program plus the coordinator (I think that's all the English speaking people). The nice lady from Globe Aware asked me if I wanted to switch programs and I said no. I go with what life throws at me and learn what I need to learn. I am scared of a lot of things but a sheep, I have never ever been.

I also learned that my meet up point was now a different one, as of today (I think). That means canceling a reservation to the backpacking hostel and make a new reservation the some inn a little ways away. I got the info that my partner in crime will also be arriving a day early in San Jose and spending the night at that same inn. I'll try to hook up via email before hand. It would be fun (not to mention more reassuring) to go visit the city with company.

You know what? All these changes are making me a little nervous but, at the same time, it's kind of making the whole adventure worth while.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Countdown: 25 days!

Well, this weekend was my birthday and for the first time, I was truly constantly forgetting about it.
The funny thing is that a group of people from whom I wasn't expecting anything, totally were "there" for me and I really appreciate it.

I thank you all, it was a really fun evening!